

Commissioned by Fife Council to deliver 30 flats on a former brownfield site. The site layout is designed to create two individual blocks of affordable housing; a corner block which addresses Millhill Street and creates an entrance into Elliot Street, and the other, a linear block which forms a new street edge along Elliot Street.

The Millhill Street block contains 12 flats arranged around two stairs and sits close to Elliot Street to form an entrance into a new parking and landscaped area located between the existing housing on Elliot Street and the proposed new block apartments. 18 flats are arranged around three stairs, set back 18m from the existing properties. The scale of the blocks has been designed to sit comfortably within the existing built environment, matching the 3-storey flats on Elliot Street and modern materials which complement the existing masonry buildings has been used.

Community safety has been addressed through passive surveillance across both front and back communal areas with gables fenestrated to offer surveillance onto street edges and across adjacent open space.